Soundings from Rapid Refresh (RAP), FIM, GFS, NAM, and other Model Analyses and Forecasts, RAOBS, Profilers, Radiometers, or Aircraft (restricted)

Instructions | Site info: METARs, Profilers, Radiometers, RAOBs (Latest RAOB times), Airports (in another window) | version history (in another window)
It may take 30 seconds for the initial data to load
Latest version is 23-Feb-2016. See change details (in another window) for more information. (To get the new code, you may have to restart Internet Explorer, or for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape, hold down the shift key and click reload.)

The URL for this page is

Latest Bak40 analysis is valid at 00:00 01-Jan-70 UTC.
Latest Op40 analysis is valid at 06:00 UTC.
For up-to-date information about the status of RAP runs, see the RUC/RAP forum (new window).
(You can subscribe to this forum to get email copies of new posts.)

You need a Java-aware browser to run this.

Instructions | Site info: METARs, Profilers, Radiometers, RAOBs, Airports
For information on interpreting these soundings, please see the following:
  • The NWS Publication The Front from Feb 2004. (The web site has been updated a bit from what is shown in the article, but this is an excellent reference for pilots nonetheless.)
  • Tutorial on upper air plot from UNISYS
  • Tutorial from Texas A & M

    Please send questions about this page to one or more of the following people.
    • webmaster-amb.gsd for technical questions about the java display (such as a blank screen)
    • Brian Jamison for questions about soundings and the SkewT display in general, and about RAOB soundings
    • John Brown for questions about model soundings (types of models, available forecasts, latency, etc.)
    Model soundings provided by Stan Benjamin and Kevin Brundage,
    Profiler data provided by GSD's Demonstration Division,
    Radiometer data provided by Radiometrics
    RAOB data provided by Mark Govett and Brian Jamison

    Last modified: Tue Dec 15 22:13:34 GMT 2020